Thursday, September 17, 2015

TAG | Unpopular Bookish Opinions

I've been seeing this tag go around BookTube for weeks now and I've been dying to do it. You can check out the original video here. I decided to stop making videos on my BookTube channel a few years ago but thought, why not make a blog post instead?! So here goes.

First just a disclaimer that these are just my opinions. I don't mean to offend anyone. If I don't like your favorite book or series, I apologize. You probably don't like my favorite books either. Everyone has different opinions and not everyone is going to like the same material.

1. A Popular Book or series that you didn't like.

I feel like I have way to many for this. Let's start with the Delirium trilogy by Lauren Oliver. I read all of the books in the series and I have no idea why. I disliked most of the characters and didn't enjoy reading them at all. I loved the idea behind the story, but just couldn't understand what all the hype was about. The next series I can think of is the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu. I read the first two books in the trilogy and I don't even remember what happened. The first one wasn't too bad but I don't think I liked it enough to where I should have continued reading the series. I legitimately cannot remember what happened in the second book. I feel like I was reading it with my eyes closed. It just wasn't my cup of tea. Third is the Hush, Hush series. I read the entire thing, once again. I hated most of it while I was reading it. But I continued on thinking it would get better. Nope! Not only is Patch a stupid name for a character, but I hated him. He was one of the worst characters I can remember reading about. He's such an ass and I don't understand the appeal. Which just makes me despise the main character, Nora, for even wasting her time with him. Normally I love angel blood books, but that was not the case with this series.

2. A Popular Book or series that every one else seems to hate but you love.

I'm going to say the Twilight series. I loved this series when it came out. I remember reading the first book over and over until New Moon came out. I think I finished New Moon in one sitting. I just couldn't put it down. When I heard it was going to be turned into a movie, I was appalled and refused to watch them at first. I knew they were going to ruin this series that I loved! The first movie was ridiculous as expected and it made me think less of the books. I understand that Stephanie Meyer may not have the best writing and the premise is just creepy and silly. Those books got not only myself reading more, but an entire group of people. Boys and girls of a wide range of ages starting reading and I really think it opened the doors for YA. I reread these books in 2012 and you know what, I still enjoyed them. I didn't get as emotional and feel as connected as I did before, but I did still like them. #NoShame

3. A Love Triangle where the main character ended up with the person you did NOT want them to end up with OR an OTP that you don't like. 

I had a really hard time of thinking of anything for this one. The only one that comes in mind is The Hunger Games. I've heard a lot of people say this and I agree. I wish Katniss would have chosen to be alone. I don't mind Peeta. I think he's the better option of the two but I would have really liked to see her be independent. She went through so much stuff, and choosing between those boys only seemed to make it harder. For once, I would like to see a story where the love triangle just dissolves and everyone moves on.

4. A popular book Genre that you hardly reach for.

I would say either historical fiction or new adult. I'm more likely to read historical fiction over new adult. I think my opinion on that will change later, but right now I'm just not interested in them.

5. A popular or beloved character that you do not like.

Lena from the Delirium trilogy. It's been a while since I read the series but I felt no connection to her. I just remember her being young and stupid. I also really didn't like Katniss Everdeen, mostly in Mockingjay. I think Suzanne Collins did a good job of writing her character and showing what the trauma she went through would do for her psyche. I just hated reading her. She was just too annoying and dramatic.

6. A popular author that you can't seem to get into.

Gillian Flynn. I read both Gone Girl and Dark Places by her. I read Dark Places first and I was so excited, but I skipped through every other chapter. I wasn't interested in the story at all. By the time I finished the book and read the ending, I was ready to throw the book at the wall. I forced myself to read this book that I really wasn't interested in, just for a stupid ending. Same thing happened with Gone Girl. I knew it was so hyped and I heard everyone talking about how amazing it was. After reading it, I really don't understand. Once I got midway through the book, I was basically too pissed off to even continue. I think the pace of the books are too slow and the endings are less than satisfactory.

7. A popular book trope that you're tired of seeing. (examples "lost princess", corrupt ruler, love triangles, etc.)

I really hate reading dystopian books where the government is corrupt and the main character has to taken them down from the inside. Maybe that's the whole point of these books. I think it can be done well sometimes but I didn't really realize how much I hated it until I read the Eve trilogy by Anna Carey. The plot of that series is pretty strange in the first place but once the New America stuff started, I was done. The characters in those books never really seem smart enough. They always make stupid decisions but somehow everything works out and they end up victorious.

8. A popular series that you have no interest in reading.

I'm going to say The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I didn't think I liked the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy until I finished it and realized that I actually liked some of the characters. I'm really not interested in reading another series that I don't like very much until after I've finished it.

9. The saying goes "The book is always better than the movie", but what movie or T.V. show adaptation do you prefer more than the book?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I read the book a really long time ago and I disliked it at the time. I really enjoyed the movie. It is such a beautiful movie with such an amazing cast. Another one is Gone Girl. I really really really hated the book. It wasn't hard, but the movie was way better. I would re-watch it again if I had to. It hardly counts, but the pilot episode of Delirium that was filmed was also way better than the book series.

I would love to know your unpopular bookish opinions! What popular book series did you absolutely not like?

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